Selection of Award Winners


Awards Committee


The Award Committee consists of:

• •A Chairman appointed by Section Governing Board (SGB) of AMPP India Chapter.

• •A panel of judges appointed by the Chairman for evaluation of applications received for various categories of awards


Duties and Responsibilities

Decisions taken by the Chairman, Awards Committee and AMPP India Chapter shall be final and binding to all stake holders Except that applications are not to be individually evaluated by him / her. The Chairman is responsible for all activities including:

• Review of completeness of all applications after opening them

• Assign a confidential code number to each application / applicant and prominently write the same on all documents to be forwarded to judges for evaluation of applicants / applications with name of the applicant suitably masked.

• Forward to all judges in a sealed envelope marked “confidential”

(a) All applications after ensuring that name of all applicants are suitably masked in all documents being forwarded to judges for evaluation of applications.

(b) Evaluation sheets for each category of award containing (i) all attributes and their weightage points (marks), (ii) confidential code numbers of all applicants and (iii) guidelines for evaluation of applicants / applications.

• Review of evaluation sheets of judges to confirm that all applications have been evaluated in accordance with specified guidelines/ criteria.

• Informing the award winners about the decision of the Awards Committee after computation of total marks of applicants during a joint meeting with the judges.

• Presentation of awards during the Award Ceremony in consultation with AIC.

Each judge shall be responsible for:

• Evaluation of all applications according to specified guidelines / criteria

• Forwarding of all duly- marked evaluation sheets in a sealed cover to Chairman according to a mutually agreed schedule.

• Attending a meeting of judges with the Chairman at AIC office to compute total marks of applicants, based on total marks given by each judge on evaluation sheets without names of applicants.


Criterion for Evaluation of Applicants / Applications


All applicants shall be evaluated according to standard guidelines and criteria by an independent panel of judges, co-ordinated by the Chairman,

AMPP India Chapter Awards Committee. The applicant's identity shall not be disclosed to judges. Thus, all award winners will be selected on the basis of merit of details provided by them in their applications.

The award committee will consider following attributes (points of merit) for evaluation of applicants for selection of award winners. Each attribute will have a certain weightage point (mark) depending on the category of the award.


Attributes of Applicants  for all  Individual Awards except  Student  Awards



Knowledge & Technical Competence  

(a) Education

(b) Experience - General

(c) Experience - Relating to Award Applied for  


Contribution to the Field of Corrosion Science & Technology

• •Corrosion Related Technical Publications

• Development / improvement of technology

•Implementation / indigenization of technology

•Development of innovative / unique solutions to industrial problems

Introducing / pioneering technologies that are new to India

• •Human Resource Development / Training Programs


Corrosion Awareness Promotion Activities & Awards

• Membership of Corrosion Related Institutes / Organisations

• Participation in Corrosion Related Conferences / Seminars

• Awards Received for Contributions to the Field of Corrosion


Attributes of Applicants for “Excellence in innovation” Awards



Applicants should have been awarded a patent for developing a hardware or a software product or for any innovative process solution that seeks to combat corrosion


Applicants should clearly state the issues / problems being addressed by innovation.


 Applicants should submit clear quantifiable evidence of successful adoption of the innovation and demonstrated impact of the innovation.


iv.Applications must include the certificate of incorporation or partnership deed and their certificate of recognition.


The entity, to which the applicant belongs to, should not be completing 3 years of incorporation on or before 1 June 2020.


Attributes of Applicants for Laboratory Award



Objectives of the Laboratory  


Technical Competence

• Certification / Approval of Tests conducted by the Laboratory  

• Manpower, equipment and facilities.


Experience (Last Five Years)

• Number of tests conducted during the last five years

• Number of Research / Development Projects carried out



Publications and Special Technical contributions




Corrosion Awareness Promotion Activities & Awards

• Membership of Corrosion related Institutes / Organizations

• Participation in Corrosion related Conferences / Seminars

• Awards received for contributions to the field of Corrosion



Attributes of Applicants for Student Awards ( Thesis)



Knowledge & Technical Competence  

• Education

• Experience

(a) General

(b)Relating to Award Applied for


Thesis Work

• General: Topic of Thesis, External Examiner’s / Thesis Guide’s Comments, Source of Funds etc.,  

• Technical: Type of Thesis Work, Technical Papers Published and Awarded, Patents registered and Practical Application of Work etc


Corrosion Awareness Promotion Activities & Awards

• Participation in Corrosion Related Conferences / Seminars

• Awards received for contributions to the field of Corrosion

• Awards received for contributions to the field of Corrosion